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Current Conditions
Current temperature, daily max/min °F
Gusting to
Rain (hour)
0.02 in
Wind Chill
Humidity: 95%
Dew Point: 40 °F
Pressure: 1026.7 mb
Solar: 0 W/m2
UV Index: 0.0
Rain Today: 0.39 in
Rain Rate: 0.00 in/hr
Rain Month: 5.13 in
Rain Year: 9.21 in

Tonight: Chance Showers And Thunderstorms
Chance Showers And T-Storms

Sunday: Chance Rain Showers
Chance Rain Showers
Lo 38 °FHi 50 °F

About this website
This website was created for the interest of the owner and as a public service for residents of Nacogdoches County, Texas. This weather station is privately owned and operated and is not affiliated with the county or City of Nacogdoches. It should not be considered an officially recognized station for weather reporting.
Weather Station Hardware
GaugeGaugeThe Waffelow Creek weather station is located about 9 miles NE of Nacogdoches. Weather conditions are measured using a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro Plus unit. The exterior sensor measures rainfall, temperature, humidity, UV and solar radiation and the interior console unit measures barometric pressure, indoor temperature and humidity. The outside temperature/humidity sensors are located in a fan-aspirated radiation shield for improved accuracy. A second exterior sensor measures wind direction and speed and is located nearby on a 20-foot pole. Unfortunately, the wind accuracy is affected by nearby trees, especially for wind blowing from the north or south. The home page on this web site shows real-time data that updates every 5 seconds using this station.
Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS)
GaugeBesides the Davis automated rain gauge, a second rain measurement is made each day using a standard 4" CoCoRaHS rain gauge (shown at left). This rain gauge has greater accuracy and consistency compared to the Davis unit and is used by a network of many thousands of citizen scientists from around the country. This station's annual rain data going back to 2011 can be accessed by clicking on the CoCoRaHS link above.

  Learn more about CoCoRaHS..... CoCoRaHS

Rain Season and Home Page Weather Terms

Rain Season:  January 1 to December 31
Normals/Records:  SFASU Forestry Weather Station Data, 1901-2010 and Waffelow Creek, 2011 - 2025.
ET:  Estimated amount of water needed to replace the water used by plants and evaporation.
Wind Run: The measured amount of wind passing the station during a given period of time.
Solar Flux: Solar radiation incident on a horizontal surface in watts per meter²
Solar Percent: Measured solar radiation compared to the theoretical maximum for date, time, and latitude.